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Can Botox Fix Hooded Eyes?

Can Botox Fix Hooded Eyes?

As authorities on the cosmetic and health conditions of the eyes, Los Angeles area Eyesthetica sees many patients seeking to fix a condition known as “hooded eyes,” in which the eyelids look heavy and the skin on the upper eyelids is barely visible. Many...
Eyelid Surgery Aftercare

Eyelid Surgery Aftercare

An eyelid surgery topic that often elicits questions is aftercare. The oculoplastic surgeon team at the Los Angeles area Eyesthetica provides comprehensive aftercare instructions during consultation. We also encourage patients to use our blog and website as a...
What Causes Droopy Eyelids?

What Causes Droopy Eyelids?

Ptosis is the medical term for eyelid drooping. It can affect one eye or both eyes simultaneously. In the mildest cases, ptosis is problematic in a strictly cosmetic sense. In serious cases, the eyelid drooping can obstruct the normal field of vision, and those that...