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Regular eye exams with an ophthalmologist are important to maintaining clear vision and good eye health. However, these exams don’t catch everything; some symptoms arise suddenly and require the timely attention of an eye doctor to avoid vision loss and permanent eye damage.

Here, the team at Eyesthetica lists a few signs that you need to see an eye doctor.

Involuntary Blinking or Spasm

If you find yourself involuntarily blinking or experiencing eyelid twitches or spasms, you may have a condition called blepharospasm. Our eye doctors can reduce these uncomfortable symptoms with injections of a neurotoxin, commonly known as Botox or Xeomin, which relaxes the eyelid muscles to stop the twitching or another treatment as needed.

Obstructed Line of Sight due to Excess Skin

If excess eyelid skin is sagging over your upper eyelashes and impairing your field of vision, you may find it difficult to see clearly and annoying to push the skin out of the way. Our eye doctors can surgically remove the excess eyelid skin and tighten the remaining skin through a procedure called blepharoplasty (or upper eyelid lift). This removes the obstruction and gives you a clearer field of vision.

Difficulty Closing the Eyes

The inability to completely close the eyes can leave the surface of the eye exposed and at risk of irritation and infection. If your eyelids turn inward, you likely have a condition called entropion; if they turn outward, you may have ectropion. Both conditions can be corrected by our team of eye doctors at Eyesthetica.

Excessive Tearing

Excessive tearing is problematic and may indicate a problem such as chronic dry eye syndrome, allergies or a blocked tear duct. Upon examination, our eye doctors can diagnose the problem and suggest an appropriate treatment. Depending on the specific condition, we may recommend punctal plugs, topical lubricants or a procedure to open a blocked tear duct.

Bulging of One or Both Eyes

If one or both of your eyes bulges outward, you may have thyroid eye disease. This is especially true if you have symptoms like redness, wet eyes or dry eyes. See one of our eye doctors to discuss your symptoms as soon as possible. After reviewing your symptoms medical history and reviewing thyroid lab panels, we can discuss treatment options to restore a normal appearance to your eyes and relieve your symptoms.

Sudden Changes in Vision

A sudden change in vision can happen because of any number of eye conditions, including glaucoma. If you notice your vision rapidly deteriorating, make an appointment with an eye doctor immediately. Catching the problem early could be critical to successful treatment. If the changes in your vision are accompanied by nausea or vomiting, go to your local emergency room (you might have a serious form of glaucoma).

Schedule an Appointment with Our Eye Doctors

If you experience any of the warning signs mentioned, contact our team immediately and make an appointment. To reach our office, please call us at (213) 451-6824.